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about us

I was 45 years old when I first heard of pancreatic cancer.  A "rare" disease it what they called it.  Soon, it would leave me a single parent of two daughters, 12 and 8.


I have always been envious of those who gave back to the world in some fashion and wanted to make my mark.


So when Rachel said we needed to do something to honor Mom, the seed was planted.  Then Joe Lynch fertilized it and it grew.  And it grew some more. And it keeps growing.


I am just Bob.   My heroes are our players and the families we touch, those fighting the battle in the trenches.


Everything Skate raises is donated to the fight against pancreatic cancer.   Our ticket sales benefit youth hockey players.


I neither want or get anything other than the "thank yous" from our players, PanCAN and the families.


And I wouldn't have it any other way.


See you on the ice!


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